As a business ourselves, we understand the importance of getting the finance right for the business.

SSA Finance has extensive experience in assisting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and have an array of lenders to choose from to help small businesses with their needs.

If you operate a business and you need more financial assistance to help with cashflow, purchase more stock and equipment or have unexpected expenses such as maintenance, insurance premium and energy cost increases, then a business loan could be the answer.

A business loan may also be needed if a company is getting busy and you need to hire additional staff, open more locations, fund marketing campaigns, or acquire other businesses.

The factors to consider when taking out a small business loan include how much do you need? Borrow too little and you may find yourself short, borrow too much and you may be paying more for finance you do not need.

Finding the most suitable loan facility is also important as the incorrect loan may not be fit for purpose and may cost your business more. If you are a newer business with limited historical financial information, you may be better suited to a lender who has lower documentation requirements, as you may be unable to meet the document requirements of some lenders. Alternatively, if you have all the required documents to qualify for a full doc loan you will pay lower interest and fees versus a low-doc lender.

If you have a business needing a loan, do not hesitate to contact SSA Finance.


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