You may require a personal loan to buy a car, consolidate debt, renovating your home, pay for unexpected medical expenses, fund a holiday or a wedding.

There really is no restriction to what you use a personal loan for, so long as you are prepared to pay the borrowed money back with interest.

SSA Finance can help you with a personal loan comparison and ensure it has key features. These would include a competitive interest rate. The lower your interest rate, the smaller your repayments. To get the lowest rate personal loan you will need to have an excellent credit score.

Another consideration is fees. There are many lenders these days that have no fees, so it is worth shopping around. There are many avoidable fees as well such as overdue payment fees so if you do get approved for a loan, be sure to set up an automatic or direct debit to meet due dates for your repayments.

SSA Finance will search our database containing hundreds of loan products from more than 40 different lenders, including major banks, smaller banks, credit unions and more and recommend a product which suit your needs.

If you are successful in securing a personal loan, try and make extra repayments. If you are in a situation where you have extra cash to put towards your loan, it is a good idea to do it so that you can get out of debt sooner. This smart habit will also have a positive impact on your credit history which will help if you need to borrow money again in the future.

Talk to SSA Finance today if you need a personal loan.


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