Refinancing Solutions

Mortgage holders prepared to review their loans can save thousands of dollars a year by seeking more suitable home loan options.

It is a highly competitive lending environment and homeowners can pay the price if you are complacent about your mortgage, probably the most important financial consideration in your life.

At SSA Finance we are seeing customers who are prepared to review their home loan and refinance obtain interest rates significantly lower than their previous loan or a loan with more suitable features. Consumers should always be seeking the most competitive deal from lenders.

We also provide refinancing solutions to help you lower monthly payments, or leverage equity for other financial needs.

Remember, a mortgage broker is here to help you navigate through the minefield of home loan deals on offer and negotiate reductions in fees and charges.

If it has been more than six months since you reviewed your mortgage, then it is worth contacting SSA Finance to give your loan a health check.

As time passes, your needs change, as does the market. The loan that was perfect for you a few years ago or even when you were a first-time buyer may not be working as hard for you as a it could be.

Talk to SSA Finance today if you think you need to refinance your current mortgage.


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